Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 10: Letter to Someone I Wish I Talked to More Often

Dear Ladies,

I honestly don’t have a particular person in this case, more like several that I keep in contact with. Loren, Ashley, Hailey, Jacqueline, Kristie, Samantha, Toya, Patrice, are to name a few. ( I too wish I were closer to family members that live far away, that I dont talk to near as often as I should) I have been blessed with an abundance of friends, good friends, wonderful women. Most I don’t talk to every day, nor every week. Plus, with social networks it seems we often know what’s going on in each others’ lives without having to call one another. It seems the older we get, the busier we get. It also seems each friend has somewhat of a purpose or a relationship that is unique to each need. Myself and most of my friends are either in grad school, married, having children, engaged, working a ton or a few of all of those things. I often wonder how one of you are doing, I know I should text or call, but then think you are probably busy, or I then forget in an instant that I was going to contact you because I get busy myself. The handful of my friends I speak with on the regular basis are friends from my college days. We always say we need to hang out and that we miss each other or catch up or have a girls night. Truth is, sometimes we do get together and sometimes life gets in the way. What happened to those college days? When we all always knew what we were going to get into that weekend or what we were each doing every night of the week? Or when we all knew each others secrets? I guess we somewhat grew apart when it was time to grow up. I think I can honestly say that each of us are today in a place where we didn’t think we would be 10 years ago. LOL. Not necessarily a bad thing, just truth. Everything happens for a reason, reasons we don’t understand at the time, and that’s why we all have each other. We may not talk that often, but we know when to. I know which of you to call for advice depending on the problem or situation. In return, I know each of you know you can call me to be an ear. I love you all!!!!

Love always and forever,

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