Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3: Letter to My Parents

Dear Mom & Dad

I love you both very very much. Thanks to you both, I am who I am today; everything from my personality to my good looks :-P! LOL. Growing up, Mindy and I never had to ask for a thing. I now know there were times when times were rough & you both went without just so we wouldn’t have to. You didn’t raise us in the church, but you did instill in us who Jesus was. You both felt that you were forced into religion growing up & didn’t want to do that to us (Mom as a Catholic & Dad as a Baptist). Both Mindy and I now attend regularly. Every Sunday Mom you would do laundry and clean house, while Dad you would take us to the park or Showbiz to get us out of her hair.
In elementary you guys divorced. We were then part of a broken home. Weeks were spent with you Mom and weekends with you Dad. I looked forward to weekends with Dad because I was a daddy’s girl. Mindy hated it because she never liked any of the places dad lived and you would make her eat whatever you cooked. So Mom would come bring her McDonalds (she was always the spoiled one, LOL). I loved that you took us to the movies, to your office at 3M, and took us to flea markets. You always made sure I knew to follow directions on anything that was to be assembled (such as cars & computers & household items) so that I wouldn’t always need a man for anything. You wanted me to be independent, which I am very much so. When I was 13, you were diagnosed with cancer. So Mom moved us in with you. Mindy and I had to share a room, which I used to hate. The doctors gave you 3 months to live, you survived almost 3 years. You worked up until you couldn’t hardly walk. You wanted to make sure we would be able to get SSI so we’d be taken care of. On August 25, 1998 you went to Heaven. Mom picked me up from high school my first week of my freshman year, I got home just in time. I grabbed my Bible, squeezed your hand, cried daddy. You didn’t respond. You had a seizure earlier that day. But you barely squeezed back, whispered my name, and you were gone. For the first time in my life, you weren’t there when I cried for you. That was a feeling I would have to get used to. You couldn’t teach me how to drive (moms bf did), you didn’t get to see me grad HS, you didn’t see me off to college, you wont give me away when I get married, nor meet my future children. I still think of you at least once a day. There are moments I am not exactly proud of, but I am sure you would be very proud of the woman I have become.

Mom you have done a great job raising us as a single mother. You accept and love me unconditionally. The summer I was 15, dad made me get my first job. You took me every day until I got my 1st car when I was 16. I paid for it myself with money I saved. Which, I skipped school and totaled. Oops. So you made me drive your 89 Grand Marquis all that summer to teach me a lesson. You barely made ends meet, but kept us fed and a roof over our heads. Anything extra we wanted, we had to pay for. You always held me on such a high pedistool, so I graduated high in my class then went off to college with high expectations. There are a few actions I have made over these few years that I am not proud of and that let you down. But you have still stood beside me and held my hand. Knowing we all make mistakes and have to learn on our own. I have always dated outside of my race, something you didn’t use to agree with. You were raised different than I. But you never taught us to see race or color. Growing up, you and dad would leave us with Mrs Barbara & Larry (RIP) to play with Dominique (Q), Sherri, and Belinda on the weekends. Those are memories I’ll always cherish. Anyways, by the time I was a senior in college you began to accept my choices more and more. By college, you had met most of my girl and guy friends and realized that the people I chose to surround myself weren’t any different than us. They were good people too.You even came to love Lenny as your own. Hallelujah! J You are the strongest and most caring woman I know. You always put Mindy and I first. You taught me how to love, respect, honesty, and how to appreciate everything. I am organized like you and impatient too. Still, I only hope I am half the woman you are. You are a great mother & grandmother. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. Heck, you even do my shopping for me! LOL. I am both lucky and proud to be your daughter; and to have such a great relationship - is priceless.

I love you both! Daddy RIP - See ya when I get there! Continue watching over all of us children. (I even found my other brother and sister that you had with your first wife, just wish I would have done that before you passed). Life is good and God is great.

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